Our Employment Program Process

Are you a person with a disability and you want to work? Morningside can assist you by finding the job that’s right for you! There are six steps to finding and keeping a job that you'll love. Click through the process below to learn more.

1. Intake Appointment

The first step to getting a job or services with Morningside is an intake appointment. Your Intake Appointment gives us a chance to get to know you, to share information about the employment process, and to complete your orientation paperwork. Intake meetings can occur in different locations including our offices, at your school, a government building, or a private residence - it’s up to you! 

During this conversational meeting, we will ask questions about what type of work you would like, what type of learning styles work best for you, and what your dreams and goals are for your future. Morningside’s process is individualized and we will listen and take notes of what you tell us as we would like to know what you feel is best for you.

A lot of our job seekers come to Morningside through a referral from the Developmental Disabilities Administration, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Social Security Work Incentives, private pay agreements, or a local school district. We’re just glad you found us and want our help finding a job!

It’s ok if you don’t have a referral. For more information by phone or in person contact our office.

2. Employment Planning

Now you’re ready to start working with Morningside! People we serve typically start with one of our employment planning services. Through Discovery or Community Based Assessments, we determine person-centered goals and identify your work-related interests and skills. This phase includes a lot of exploring. You may try different jobs, get to know your preferences and goals, figure out your transportation options, go on job site tours, participate in informal interviews, and more. 

We have other services you might receive at this time too. Pre-Employment Transition Services may be available to students over 16 at local high schools in partnership with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. At this stage, you might also receive Independent Living services that can start before Discovery or Community Based Assessments or after.

3. Create Your Individual Workplan

Our planning process is unique and your workplan is built just for you. We use a person-centered approach to develop goals, timelines, and assign activities that can help you reach your goals. If you have a big goal like “get a full time job as an administrative assistant for the State of Washington,” we’ll help you break it down into smaller steps. Those steps might be “obtain basic imaging skills through an internship” or “participate in seven mock interviews to improve communication skills.” We’ll help you update your Work Plan every six months with progress reports.

4. We Develop a Job Just for You

Now that you have a goal and a work plan, we help you find a job. We develop a position that meets your needs for location, hours per week, time of day, type of task and other details that determine a successful job match. You’ll tour job sites and we’ll work with the business to ensure the essential tasks of the job are a match for you and your employer. It’s a win-win! We propose a customized job to the employer on your behalf. At Morningside, we are proud to use national best practices for job development, so know your job is created on an individual basis and each relationship is nurtured. 

If you already have a work history and pre-determine job goals, you can join the program with this as your first step.

5. Get on the Job Support & Training

When you start a job or your initial training period, we determine the level of support you’ll need. A job coach who helps you learn job tasks and create strategies to work independently may be there for your entire shift or you may check in with them daily or weekly to help problem solve as issues arise or to create accommodations that you might need. 

Usually, a training period and level of support is identified before you start your job and we re-assess your needs after the job is deemed stable, at around 90 days of employment. Individuals who have short term funding, like DVR, may choose to exit our services after it has been determined that they have learned their job and are stable.

6. Keep working a job you love!

If you prefer long-term support in your job, you can have a job coach for the entirety of your employment. Job development services can be restarted if you want a second or different job. Having a long-term job coach has benefits, including regular communication with your manager, ongoing training support, help advocating for additional hours or a wage increase, and task modification or problem solving support.

Ready to Get Started?

Individuals and their parent, guardian or residential support staff can contact Morningside at one of six locations to determine if our program is the right fit and/or to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss services.

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