Morningside Stories

Celebrating our Employer Partners & Client's Successes

News & Announcements

Tacoma Chuck E. Cheese

Congratulations to Chuck E. Cheese Tacoma for being a 2022 Outstanding Employer!

Chuck E. Cheese is a family entertainment center that has been partnering with Morningside for nearly three years. Brent Marga, Regional Manager, has been employing people with disabilities for about 20 years. Two of our Pierce County clients have been employed at Chuck E. Cheese in Tacoma for approximately 2.5 years, each working 5-6 hours per week. Brent Marga treats employees with disabilities the same as any other employee.

When a person with a disability is hired, they are frequently pigeon-holed into one task for the duration of their employment. Instead, Brent encourages our clients at Chuck E. Cheese to find tasks that interest them and to collaborate with their peers to promote future growth. Brent's openness to new, innovative ideas when it comes to making necessary accommodations for employees who may require additional support has been praised by our clients and their families. Brent treats his employees with disabilities with dignity and makes it a point to advocate for them when there is any mistreatment.

We want to recognize Brent Marga and the Tacoma Chuck E. Cheese for their willingness to adapt to the potential needs of our clients and the other employees who have disabilities. They are advocates for their employees, ensuring that they all have the opportunity to grow and express their opinions and interests.

We are honored to be a Chuck E. Cheese Tacoma partner and look forward to many more years together.

Client Successes

From Shop Assistant to Model

Erica's Pre-Employment Transition Internship led to a role she loves as shop assistant in a boutique and coffee shop - and even led to some modeling!

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Outstanding Employers Award

University Place School District

Our partnership with University Place School District has grown since 2015 to hep so many amazing students.

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Client Successes

Summer Library Internship Success

Noble Hayden was a crucial part of summer programs at the Aberdeen Timberland Library during is 2023 internship.

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